CSOC-342: Emerging Global Cities:
Urbanism and Identity

Weekly Schedule and Readings

Week I: January 26th
What is a City? Definitions, Concepts and Size

  1. Lewis Mumford, (1937), What is a city
  2. Urbanization
  3. Ong, Aihwa, (2011)  Worlding Cities or the At of Being Global

Week II:February 2
Globalization and Global City
  1. Changing Face of Global Cities
  2. Characteristics of global cities; continued impact of colonial legacies
  3. D. E. Bloom, T. Khanna: The Urban Revolution. Finance and Development 44(2007)3

Week III: February 9th

Conceptualizing the Global City,  What is a Global City?


  1.  S. Sassen, The Global City: Introducing the Concept
  2. Discourses of globalization and the city in social sciences
  3. Origins and debates about concepts of global or world city

Week IV: February 16th
 What Makes a city Global?
Global Cities and Their Urban Networks/City Scapes . 

Class Presentations and Discussion

  1. Appadurai: Globalizing Scapes in a Global World
  2. Scapes Concept of Appadurai Chart
  3. S. Sassen , Locating cities on global circuits. Environment and Urbanization 14(April 2002)1, 13-30.
  4. J. V. Beaverstock, R. G. Smith, P. J. Taylor: World-City Network: A New Metageography? Annals of the Association of American Geographers 90(March 2000)1, 123-134

Week V: February 23

A  new Kind of Growth: Aerotropolis:

  1. JOHN D. KASARDA The Aerotropolis and Global Competitiveness, (2011) DIPLOMATIC COURIER
  2. Dubai, Hong Kong and Incheon.
  3. Aerotropolis: The Key to a Prosperous, 21st Century Global City?
  4. Cities in the Sky
  5. John Kasarda: Introduction

Week VI: March 2

Skyscrapers as Metaphors of Modernity:

  1. The Semiotics of Skyscrapers
  2. Branding and Image-Building in Dubai: The Role of Iconic (Landscape) Architecture and Culture

Week VII: March 9th

Competing geographies of built environment in global cities: skyscraper verticality v sprawl
  1. Anthony King (p: 3-22) 
  2. How politics has shaped the growth of Shanghai, and Dubai
  3. http://www.bbc.com/culture/story/20141216-skyscrapers-the-race-to-the-top_
  4. Vertical City: Hong Kong

Week VIIMarch 16th

Singapore as Model Global City
  1. Tan Shin Bin, (2014) Singapore-as-a-Global-City., Lee Kuan Yew, School of Public Policy,
  2. Singapore as a Global City
  3. Singapore: Global Hub and Gateway to the World

Week IX March 23

A tale of Two Cities Singapore and Dubai

  1. Emerging Global Cities and Singapore  A comparative study
  2. Gillian Duncan,Top Global Destination Cities Singapore Versus Dubai
  3. Ahmad Kanna, (2008-09) Dubai and Singapore after the Crisis
Assignment 2 Due in Class

SPRING BREAK MARCH 25- April 2nd. 2017

Week X April 6th
  1. Branding The Global City
  2. City Branding and the Olympic Effect,
  3. Beijing, London.



Week XI: April 13th

City Branding and the Olympic Effect,
Tokyo and  LA

________________________________________________________ Week XII:  April 20 and 27

Challenges Facing Global Cities in the 21st. Century.
Course Overview and  Projects Time

Week XIII: May 4th

Class Presentations

Week XIV May 11th.

Class Presentations